Keeping Yourself Healthy When Traveling in Mexico
By Cyndi Wright |

With the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 virus, millions of people have been unable to travel. However, some signs are showing that the virus is beginning to fade away. Soon, you might feel more comfortable venturing away from home.
Perhaps you travel to Mexico frequently to visit family, for business or for pleasure. However, given new health and safety concerns, there are many things you might have to think about when trying to keep yourself safe on your trip. As you prepare to take your trip, consider some of the ways you should protect yourself.
Step One: Consider Your Insurance Needs
Mexico and America have different legal systems. Therefore, the regulations each places on their insurance markets are different. So, when you travel in Mexico, policies that cover you in America will not cover you once you cross the border.
As a result, you will need to buy separate insurance protection solely for your trip south of the border. The most essential coverage you will need include Mexican auto insurance and international health insurance:
Like most U.S. states, Mexico requires drivers nationwide to carry auto insurance. This requirement exists for foreign drivers, too. Your American car insurance policy will become null when you drive into Mexico. You therefore will need Mexican car insurance.
Most Mexican car insurance policies look very similar to American policies. They can offer liability coverage and coverage for wreck damage and vehicle thefts. Other benefits can help you pay to have a vehicle repaired in the United States and cover your return home.
Many policies also offer the benefit of legal assistance and bail bonding. There is a different process used to determine fault in most accidents.
- International Health Insurance
Standard American health insurance usually will not cover medical care in foreign nations. The last thing you want is to get sick during a trip abroad, and worse yet, you don’t want to face a medical bill as a result. An international health insurance plan, which many American health insurers offer, can extend appropriate protection to you should the worst occur.
Policies can often cover routine, urgent and emergency care necessary to keep you healthy. You can also choose benefits for both short- and long-term coverage periods. If you do get sick during your travels, you can use your benefits to receive covered care from any number of reputable Mexican medical providers.
An additional benefit that you might need is travel coverage. This is a policy that will offer many benefits for the common hazards and losses that might occur during international travel. The policy might reimburse you for lost luggage, cancelled flights and other trip interruptions.
This coverage might also provide a degree of protection for emergency medical expenses. However, the benefits might not prove as extensive as those in international medical insurance.
Step Two: Take Additional Safety Precautions
Even once you have expansive protection as provided by your Mexican health, travel and auto insurance, you still can go a long way to protect yourself when traveling abroad in this new age of travel. Consider a few essential safety items to keep with you in your car and throughout the rest of your journey.
- Keep copies of all of your insurance policies with you. Also take along a list of your medications and existing medical conditions. Keep an emergency contact number written down (and locked) inside your car.
- Remember, social distancing rules and mask requirements are still in effect, and there are tight tourist restrictions in many resort areas. Call your hotel or house rental to see if there are any special precautions that you need to take.
- Place a supply of masks or other face coverings in the vehicle. Also consider taking along gloves, eye protection and a supply of hand sanitizer. Always keep these accessible.
- You can take prescription medication and over-the-counter medication across the border with you. You must keep these items in their original containers.
- When dining out or socializing, keep space between yourself and other people. Also remember to follow normal dietary precautions throughout your trip to Mexico. These include drinking and brushing your teeth only with bottled water and avoiding certain raw items.
As always, don’t forget to observe the normal precautions anyone should follow when traveling in a foreign country:
- Lock away your valuables and medications.
- Keep your passport and other travel paperwork secure. You can often lock these in the safe at your hotel.
- Keep your phone, wallet and other personal items in your front pockets.
- Keep your phone, wallet and other personal items in your front pockets.
- When driving, only accept help or directions from reputable parties like the police or a roadside assistance provider.
While you will have to observe a few new safety precautions while traveling in Mexico for the future, there is no reason you should feel unsafe during your travels. As long as you do what you need to do to protect yourself, you can enjoy your trip with absolute ease.
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