Friday, October 13, 2023¿La aseguranza de auto es obligatoria en México? Para conducir en México la aseguranza de auto es obligatoria. Incluso si ya tienes un seguro de auto en Estados Unidos, pero vas a cruzar la frontera, necesitarás una póliza de responsabilidad civil expedida por una aseguradora mexicana, lo dice la ley. READ MORE >>
Friday, September 22, 2023Si estás planeando conducir tu auto americano a México, es importante que sepas que necesitas un seguro de auto mexicano con cobertura de responsabilidad civil proporcionada por una compañía de seguros mexicana. Las pólizas de seguro de auto de los Estados Unidos no son válidas en México. READ MORE >>
Friday, September 8, 2023¿Cuánto cuesta el seguro de auto mexicano para viajar como turista? Para que estés tranquilo en tu viaje a México, no puedes salir a la carretera sin un seguro de carro. Por suerte, un seguro de auto mexicano para viajar como turista suele costar mucho menos que una póliza de auto en Estados Unidos. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 5, 2023If you are flying to Mexico and plan on driving a rental car, consider buying Mexican car rental insurance from Sanborn’s to protect your personal liability. Your U.S. liability coverage is invalid in Mexico, and third-party liability provided by rental car companies is usually null or mini... READ MORE >>
Friday, January 13, 2023Traveling to Baja California can be an exciting experience. However, a road trip through Baja needs planning ahead. Crossing from California to Baja is one of the quickest and easiest port crossings, since you do not need a Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit while staying on the Baja peninsula. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 14, 2022Phoenix, Arizona, is close to the Mexican border, which means traveling to Mexico by car is quite common. Before heading south, even if it is for the day, it’s crucial to have a Mexican auto insurance policy. It can keep you financially protected against car accidents during your trip. READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 13, 2022If you have family in Mexico and travel by car to visit them, or if you frequently travel to Mexico for business or pleasure, acquiring long-term Mexican auto insurance may be something to consider. Just like in the U.S., cars are susceptible to various unforeseen incidents in Mexico. READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 7, 2021 Generally, driving into Mexico with a new car doesn’t involve much different of a process than driving across the border in any car. You still need to obtain all the appropriate documentation, including Mexican auto insurance, before crossing the border. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Any car in any community could sustain damage from any number of hazards. These hazards aren’t just wrecks; they could be things like vehicle fires, hail, vandalism or theft. Even when you are far away from home, car insurance can help you cover the costs of these losses. READ MORE >>
Thursday, September 10, 2020 With the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 virus, millions of people have been unable to travel. However, some signs are showing that the virus is beginning to fade away. Soon, you might feel more comfortable venturing away from home. Perhaps you travel to Mexico frequently to visit family, for business or for pleasure. READ MORE >>
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