Thursday, July 30, 2020 If you decide to take a road trip in Mexico, then you of course want it to go off without a hitch. Still, you can’t prevent every accident. One of the scariest might be a vehicle fire, and those are often hard to prevent. Still, if the worst does happen, you do have resources if you have the right Mexican car insurance. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 3, 2020 American drivers who plan to take their cars into Mexico must have Mexican car insurance. While you might hope you don’t have to use this coverage, you cannot prevent every accident. Therefore, when damage occurs, you’ll want to get it fixed. Will your Mexican car insurance pay? READ MORE >>
Thursday, August 15, 2019You might be someone who travels between the United States and Mexico frequently. Or, you might only cross into the country a couple of times per year or less, maybe as part of travel to an annual family reunion. Either way, once you cross the international border, you must have car insurance. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 21, 2019You always want your vehicle to stay in prime shape during any kind of road trip. You don't want to have a wreck. If you plan to drive from the U.S. to Mexico, your concerns might increase. After all, if you have a significant problem in a foreign country, the way you go about fixing the damage might be very different than the process you know. READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 9, 2019 You want your road trip to Mexico to go off seamlessly. Still, nothing in life is a guarantee. Car trouble or breakdowns could happen at any time, even if you think you have done everything right. So, who do you call for help? Are there resources available for your benefit? ' In short, yes. READ MORE >>
Thursday, April 4, 2019 You might know that certain parts of Mexico present safety risks to foreign tourists. Indeed, one of the most-common precautions you have likely heard is that you shouldn't drive after dark. Why is that? It isn't to say that driving in Mexico after dark is unsafe in all cases. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 You are having a wonderful road trip to Mexico. However, you suddenly turn around and see that someone has stolen your car. Some shards of broken glass might be the only evidence. What can you do in this situation? Does your car insurance offer any help? READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 Just south of San Diego, California, you will find one of many U.S./Mexico border crossings. In fact, it is one of the busiest borders in the world. On the other side, you'll find Tijuana, the state of Baja California and the greater Baja peninsula. If you are planning a trip, don't forget to keep security in mind. READ MORE >>
Friday, February 22, 2019Mexico and the USA share a border. They also share a considerable amount of cross-border trade and traffic. Indeed, thousands of Americans travel into Mexico regularly for many reasons. If you only go a few miles within Mexico, then you might remain within the country’s free zone. What is it? READ MORE >>
Monday, January 21, 2019This is the time of year when many Americans travel internationally. The tail of the holiday season, coupled with often-lowered travel rates, make this a prime time to hit the road. For many, this will mean traveling south to Mexico. But while driving across the southern border often proves strictly routine, it also has its danger zones. READ MORE >>
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