Friday, January 19, 2024Taking the Ferry from Baja California to Mainland Mexico If you’re taking a U.S. or Canadian registered car to Mexico’s mainland, you must obtain a temporary vehicle importation permit, an FMM or tourist card and have valid Mexican auto insurance papers as you cross the border from the U. READ MORE >>
Friday, January 13, 2023Traveling to Baja California can be an exciting experience. However, a road trip through Baja needs planning ahead. Crossing from California to Baja is one of the quickest and easiest port crossings, since you do not need a Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit while staying on the Baja peninsula. READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 13, 2022If you have family in Mexico and travel by car to visit them, or if you frequently travel to Mexico for business or pleasure, acquiring long-term Mexican auto insurance may be something to consider. Just like in the U.S., cars are susceptible to various unforeseen incidents in Mexico. READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 7, 2021 Generally, driving into Mexico with a new car doesn’t involve much different of a process than driving across the border in any car. You still need to obtain all the appropriate documentation, including Mexican auto insurance, before crossing the border. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Any car in any community could sustain damage from any number of hazards. These hazards aren’t just wrecks; they could be things like vehicle fires, hail, vandalism or theft. Even when you are far away from home, car insurance can help you cover the costs of these losses. READ MORE >>
Thursday, September 10, 2020 With the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 virus, millions of people have been unable to travel. However, some signs are showing that the virus is beginning to fade away. Soon, you might feel more comfortable venturing away from home. Perhaps you travel to Mexico frequently to visit family, for business or for pleasure. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 3, 2020 American drivers who plan to take their cars into Mexico must have Mexican car insurance. While you might hope you don’t have to use this coverage, you cannot prevent every accident. Therefore, when damage occurs, you’ll want to get it fixed. Will your Mexican car insurance pay? READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 14, 2020When traveling to Mexico, there are many ways to travel and each have their own downsides and benefits. Driving into Mexico with a personal vehicle can be complicated, as you’ll need to obtain a TIP (temporary access permit) and . You can always fly into Mexico and rent a vehicle, but is it the best decision? READ MORE >>
Thursday, April 2, 2020Trips don’t always go as planned. Sometimes things change and you end up staying away from home longer than expected. Say you intended to visit Mexico for a week and you need to stay for another three days. The coverage you purchased for your vehicle in Mexico expires at the end of the first week, leaving you without insurance. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 3, 2020 Before driving to Mexico, there are many things you must consider. Besides the basics of your stay—where, when, how long, etc.—you also need to know what you’ll need going in. Depending on where you travel in Mexico, you may be able to use your driver’s license as your primary identification. READ MORE >>
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