Be Sure to Report All Claims While in Mexico
Claims Must be Reported While You are Still in Mexico
For claims or roadside assistance, contact HDI Seguros before leaving Mexico.

(477) 740-2818 Mexico Direct line
Other Dialing Options (depending on your cell service provider):
011-52-477-740-2818 Bilingual service 24/7 – 365 days a year
(ask for an English speaker if needed)
Let them know you have a “tourist” policy.
In Case of an Accident
Things you should do if you are involved in an accident while in Mexico:
- Do check for injuries. Do not move anyone.
- Do report your loss to HDI Seguros immediately – Have your Mexico Insurance policy number ready and provide your location. Make sure to get a report number from the claims call center.
- Do wait for the adjuster.
- Have your policy, driver’s license, registration and vehicle importation permit (if applies). He will give you a copy of form called Volante. Ask your adjuster if you need to obtain reports from the authorities to continue with your claim.
- Do document – Take pictures if it is safe to do so.
Things you should not do if you are in an accident while driving in Mexico:
- Do not leave the scene – Stay in the place of the accident with the third party involved.
- Do not admit liability.
- Do not discuss who is at fault, make any arrangements, or receive any payment for damages without consulting with the adjuster.
Once it is determined who is the responsible party according to the affidavit from the parties involved, witnesses and police report, it is recommended that you follow these procedures:
- If Third Party is at fault and is insured – the adjuster will confer with the other company for the payment of the damages.
- If Third Party flees the scene – do not attempt to follow them; it is best that you take the license plates, make, model and color of vehicle.
- In case you have been detained by the authorities – HDI will assign an attorney (if your policy has Legal Aid)
- If the third party is at fault and does not carry insurance – the adjuster will negotiate the collection of damages to your vehicle
- If you are the responsible party – the adjuster will advise you on how to solve the situation the best way possible.
If the vehicle is not detained, you will receive the following forms:
- Volante/Form of Admission and/or a medical pass
- In case of Total Theft of the vehicle or a glass breakage only claim, HDI will advise you of the process when you contact them to report the claim.
For further assistance with your claim, once you’ve returned to the U.S. or Canada, contact:
International Claims Service
800-284-9783 US Toll Free number
(956) 682 -1353 Direct line
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (CST)
You will be required to fill out additional documentation to start your claim with ICS.
Click here to download forms.
General Claims Process – vehicle repairs
- Submit completed forms to ICS
- Submit required documents to ICS
- Receive a link to an app by text or email
- Use the app to take pictures of the vehicle including the mileage and vin number
- Receive a preliminary estimate of repairs
- ICS will request your initial payment from HDI Seguros
- Take the estimate to the body shop of your choice
- The repair shop will “tear down” the vehicle and submit supplements (additional parts & labor not on the preliminary report) to the estimator
- ICS will confirm once the supplement is approved
- A final payment will be sent to you (or the body shop you choose if you send a written request to ICS)
International Claims Service is a bilingual claims department to help you through the claims process and will be your liaison to the insurance company in Mexico once you are back in the U.S. or Canada.
- Vehicles repaired in the U.S. or Canada
- No limit on labor fees
- Repaired at the body shop of your choice
- Claims settled in U.S. dollars from a U.S. bank