Mexico Toll Road Information
Mexico toll roads are the safest way to get to your destination. They are well maintained and traffic flow is better. And CAPUFE does all it can to help keep the public informed.
What is CAPUFE?
CAPUFE is an abbreviation for Caminos y Puentes (Roads and Bridges). CAPUFE is a government agency which has lots of valuable information for travelers. Unfortunately, they have only a limited portion of the website currently translated into English. However, very little Spanish is needed to benefit from one of their most valuable web pages.
Toll Road Prices
Click here to calculate a number of tolls you’ll pay while traveling in Mexico. The CAPUFE website also has a downloadable price chart in .pdf format, of all the major tolls and bridges throughout Mexico. You can also visit www.redviacorta.mx for toll rates, although this site is entirely in Spanish.
Remember, amounts are in pesos.
Note that there will be an extra fee per additional axle, for any vehicle outside its classification (for example, when pulling a trailer).
Angeles Verdes
Another great service provided by the Mexico government is a roaming team of mechanics called the “Angeles Verdes” (Green Angels). The Angles Verdes provide a free service to any stranded motorist on Mexico’s tollways. Connect with Angeles Verdes on Twitter
DIAL 078 from any Mexico phone line to speak to a bilingual operator to get help.
Their services include:
- protection
- medical first aid
- mechanical aid for your car
- basic supplies
- operate daily, from dawn until sunset
You will not be charged for services, only for parts, gas, and oil.
The Green Angels patrol the toll roads, so if you are unable to call them, pull off the road and lift the hood of your car. Chances are good they will find you.