Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit
Sanborn’s Mexico Insurance is not affiliated with Banjercito.
To contact Banjercito directly call 011-52-55-96-89-80-06 (Presiona 1 para Español. Press 2 for English)
Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit allows the entry of foreign vehicles for private use to Mexican territory for a limited time (up to six months) and need to leave Mexico prior to the expiration of the permit. This permit is issued ONLY by Banjercito.
- You do not need a vehicle importation permit if you are traveling within the Free Zone (21 Km or 25 miles from the border, 98 Km or 60 miles in Sonora or outside of the states of Baja California).
- If you are driving to the interior of Mexico you are required to obtain a Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit.
Who can request a Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit?
- U.S., Canadian and all foreign citizens.
- Mexican Nationals with legal residence abroad or who have proof of working for more than one year outside of Mexico by means of official documents.
Where can I obtain a Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit?
- If you live in the United States or Canada, you can request a Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit ONLINEFor online request, it is recommended that you process your request at least 7-10 days in advance of your trip. Once you complete the online process you will receive the permit and the hologram at the US or Canadian address you provided.
- By appointment at some Mexican Consulates in the U.S. Click here to make an appointment at your nearest Mexican Consulate
- Banjercito offices located at the Mexican Border Crossings
What do I need to get a Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit?
- Foreigners: Valid ID (passport, naturalization certificate) and copies of the Visa issued by the Mexican Immigration offices.
- Mexicans: a document proving legal residence abroad or an official document to prove the migratory status authorizing them to work abroad for up to one year (examples include definitive or temporary resident card, passport (not Mexican passport).
- Both Foreigner and Mexicans will need:
- Original and copies of their vehicle Title or Current Registration
- Credit/debit card in the same name as the Title/Registration
- $200 – $400 U.S.D. to leave as a guarantee deposit (See below).
- $59.16 U.S. for the cost of the permit (at exchange rate in MXP)
- Mexico insurance policy
*If the vehicle is a company car, rental car, leased or financed, you will need to obtain a letter of permission from the lien holder/company/lessor to take the vehicle to Mexico.
Guarantee Deposit
When requesting the Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit, it is required to leave a guarantee deposit . The amount of the guarantee will be determined by the year of the vehicle. The guarantee will be refunded upon cancellation of the vehicle permit at a CIITEV – Banjercito office at the border, as long as it is prior to the expiration date of the permit. The refund will be made in the same form as the deposit was made. The refund of the guarantee deposit can vary depending on the exchange rate of the process.
You can pay the permit fee and guarantee deposit with credit or debit card (Visa or MasterCard) with the importer’s name or in cash.
2007- newer $400 USD
2001 – 2006 $300 USD
2000 and older $200 USD
Can I obtain a Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit the same day I request it?
Yes, you can obtain the permit by visiting the CIITEV – Banjercito office at the Mexican Border Crossing.
How long is the Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit issued for?
- Foreigners: The duration of the permit will be the same as the length of the tourist visa.
- Mexican residents abroad: In a period of one year (12 months), you are authorized to keep the vehicle in Mexico for 180 days with multiple entrances.
Who is allowed to drive my vehicle?
- Foreigners: the owner/importer, his/her spouse, ascendants (parents), descendants (children) or siblings, even if they are not foreigners, and foreigners that hold a migratory status authorizing them to do so or a Mexican national, as long the owner is in the vehicle.
- Mexicans: the owner, his/her spouse, ascendants (parents), descendants (children) or siblings, only if they have a legal residence abroad, a foreigner with the appropriate migratory status, and any other person, as long as the owner/importer is in the vehicle.
How can I cancel my permit?
When leaving Mexico you must visit the CIITEV- Banjercito office at the border in order to obtain the cancellation documents that prove your vehicle is returning to the U.S. or to register the vehicle return to have a record of the days used.
Upon cancellation on or before the expiration date of the permit, you will receive the guarantee deposit back in the same form as it was paid. If the permit is not canceled on time, you will lose the deposit. If the permit is not canceled at all, you will lose the deposit and will not be able to import any other vehicle to Mexico in the future until the permit is canceled. Additional fees and fines will be assessed.
Read your vehicle importation permit carefully; remember that you are obligated to comply with these customs provisions.
Click Here to verify the status of your vehicle importation permit
If you have any questions about your permit, please email: permisovehiculos@banjercito.com.mx
Banco Nacional del Ejército, Fuerza Aérea y Armada de Mexico
Av. Industria Militar 1055, Col. Lomas de Sotelo, Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 11200 Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Phone: 0 11 52 55 5328 2329 Monday – Friday 8 am to 4 pm CT
The information contained on this page is subject to change without notice by the Mexican Government.
For updated information, please visit,